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Giving @ Falls

"And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others."
- 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NLT)

Thank you for your faithfulness as you trust God and give generously.  Through your giving God has allowed us to touch lives in our city and our world with the life changing message of Jesus.

To give a single gift or schedule ongoing giving, you can do it all online. Our service will allow you to give by using your checking account, debit or credit card, whichever is most convenient. This safe and flexible option is one of the easiest ways to give at Falls Church.

Online Giving FAQs

Q: Can I set up recurring donations?
A: Yes, choose the frequency of your donation on the form or online.

Q: Will my contributions be reflected on my annual giving statement? 
A: Yes.

Q: What if I change banks? 
A: You can update your information anytime by logging in online or by submitting an updated form.

Q: Can I update the frequency or amount of my donation? 
A: Yes, you can update your donation at anytime by logging in online or submitting an updated form.

Q: How do I get help? 
A: Contact us by emailing info@falls.church or calling our office at 605-362-2995 during our office hours.

Q: Can I use a credit or debit card? 
A: Yes.

Q: Can I try this just once? 
A: Yes, for Frequency choose One Time.

Q: Do I pay any additional fees to give online? 
A: No, although the church will incur some small fees, online giving does not cost the donor anything.