Welcome to the Falls Church website! Scroll down to see whats going on at Falls!

Our Story

     Falls Church is a young, new and exciting church! Falls has grown from the dream of a handful of people that met in a three car garage to an exciting Tent-maker Church, all with only one goal in mind, to see people transformed by Jesus through worship, healing and lives committed to Him!

     For years, Pastor Lance J. Rensch felt God calling him back to his hometown of Sioux Falls, SD to start a church that was different from others he had experienced. He dreamt of a church that was unique and artistic. And in the Spring of 2006, a small group of people gathered in a garage to minister and explore the possibilities of a new church plant here in Sioux Falls. That Fall, the first gatherings started at a downtown hotel. Through the winter, a fresh group of Christ followers formed the core group that would launch this fellowship.  

     In January of 2007 the leadership team found a commercial space that could serve as a temporary location and made plans to officially launch Falls Church. After a speedy renovation the energetic believers came together for the first Sunday morning service April 15, 2007. Since that opening week rapid growth has lead Falls Church to enlarge its campus and add additional services.  

     Then in the Spring of 2009, the church flipped an empty warehouse into an innovative and creative ministry facility.  The youth department completed an interactive student worship and recreation facility. The kids ministry team built a state of the art kid's chapel, a cozy nursery, and colorful toddler and pre-school rooms.

     Today, more than a dream, Falls is a healthy, growing, and vibrant church that has begun to form a joyful and fresh spirit in Sioux Falls. Falls Church is marked by relevant dynamic preaching, passionate heartfelt worship, engaging youth ministry, and a caring, fun kid's ministry. It's more than a dream, it is a movement of God that continues to inspire people to come and experience what God is doing here!